Are you a Word Game Fan? Check Out People Say. Find the 5 answers to fill in the blanks. The concept is simple: One sentence, One blank – you must find the top 5 answers that people said to fill in the blanks.

Tons of different and interesting levels

If you enjoy Top 7, you will love People Say.

What Do People Say?

Use and improve your imagination, vocabulary and spelling, all while having fun with hundreds of levels!

The bravest among you, in People Say, will face daily challenges and win lots of rewards.

  • Hundreds of levels to improve your memory and focus.
  • A simple and relaxing game.
  • Soothing and engaging graphics.
  • Improve your vocabulary and exercise your brain.
  • Rise to the challenge: levels are easy at the beginning, but get harder as you play.

Relax and play a few levels every day to keep your brain sharp. 

People Say is the latest game by the creators of Top 7 and Jingle Quizz. Try People Say for free today


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